Friday, June 6, 2008

TIME CHANGE: St. Patrick's, Nashua, NH now 1:30 PM

For those that go to Nashua on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, the summer schedule for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Missal will be as follows:

St. Patrick's
29 Spring St.
Nashua, NH

1:30 pm - 2nd Sunday of the month.
1:30 pm - 4th Sunday of the month.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

An intelligent discussion on Evolution.

I came across what I can only describe as an intelligent discussion on evolution. It is long but worth reading the whole interview. The discussion with Dr. David Berlinski is free from much of the religious baggage that pervades current discourse on evolution in this country. I will be purchasing Dr. Berlinski's book, as well as renting Ben Stein's movie.

Interview with Dr. Berlinski.

"You know, nothing is so apt to provoke the indignation of Darwinian biologists as to remark that the centerpiece of their theory is perfectly empty because it is, in fact, a trivial truth: whatever survives, survives. And Darwinian theory does not really get beyond que sera, sera. And there are all sorts of elaborate strategies designed to circumvent that objection, but whenever they’re investigated seriously, they always return to the same point of triviality. Darwinian biologists simply have nothing much better than what survives, survives. They’ll call it differential reproduction—namely, what survives, survives. This may be just a fact of life."