Monday, September 24, 2007

St. Patrick's 1962 Missal Update


Padziernek reports: The next 1962 Extra-ordinary rite Mass will be Sunday September 30, 2007 2 PM at St. Patrick's in Nashua.

Diane-Marie reports: Fr. Kelly said he would like to have the 2nd Sunday of the month Extraordinary Form at 2pm and the 4th Sunday at 4pm. He will continue to publish times in bulletin, but is hoping for this schedule. Low Mass would most likely not have music. Fr. Kelly said that schedule depends on Baptisms, availability of servers, singers and musicians. He said to keep in mind that extraordinary celebrations might at times require extraordinary effort from everyone.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thank you Father Kerper!

The Lord gave us a beautiful day to worship him at Immaculate Conception. Parking was at a premium... a very good sign.

My 3 year old saw the chapel veils and instantly wanted one.

Father Kerper offered the Holy Sacrifice with the great reverence that our Lord deserves. I especially appreciated the fact that Father wore a wireless microphone!

Though the altar rails were gone, kneelers worked very well. I hope that this practice makes its way back into the Novus Ordo.

A packed church! There are gaps, but this pic was taken after communion.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Deo Gratias!

My family and I made it to the celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Latin Mass at St. Patrick's in Nashua, and it definitely was extraordinary.

I was a little concerned at first that the church wouldn't fill up, but by the time Mass started all of the pews were filled.

Father Kelly offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with great devotion, and reverence. It was a High Mass unlike any I had participated in before. Other High Masses have been exercises in liturgical multi-tasking. In those speedy High Masses, the priest would clearly move along with Mass while the Choir sang. Consequently it was a pleasant surprise to realize that Father Kelly was waiting for the beautiful Gregorian Chants to finish before continuing with the Mass. It was very easy to follow along, and the 2 hours didn't feel like 2 hours at all! The only thing that would have made it easier to follow would have been a wireless microphone on Father.

Some people have estimated that there were 600 in attendance, others were claiming 800, while others were thinking 1000. I took a pic at the end of Mass, but you must note that this won't include those that left right after communion (yes, it happens at any Mass).

The Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form will likely be celebrated every other week at St. Patrick's, but that has not been decided yet.
Next week let's go worship our Lord in Portsmouth!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why the Mass should be beautiful

We want the liturgy to be beautiful, attractive, inspiring, transcendent... but to what end?

The Holy Father helps us come to the correct answer.

"In all our efforts on behalf of the liturgy, the determining factor must always be our looking to God. We stand before God – he speaks to us and we speak to him. Whenever in our thinking we are only concerned about making the liturgy attractive, interesting and beautiful, the battle is already lost. Either it is Opus Dei, with God as its specific subject, or it is not."

Personally, I find it easy to forget this.

Read more at From Vienna, a Lesson on How to Sing the Mass.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Traditional Mass - Portsmouth, NH 9-23-07

Tyler Foss informs us of the following great news!

Latin Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962 will
be celebrated on Sunday, September 23rd at 11:00 AM at Immaculate Conception
Church, 98 Summer Street in downtown Portsmouth.

"In response to requests and in keeping with the motu
propria of Pope Benedict XVI, we will celebrate the
11:00am Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal of
Blessed John XXIII. Please note that this form is
very different from the standard celebration of the
Eucharist with which everyone is accustomed.

At 10:40am we will have an orientation during which
the major differences will be explained, responses
introduced and practiced, and some music rehearsed.
Please try to come early so that you won't be taken by surprise.

Because I have never celebrated Mass in this form, it
may take somewhat longer than usual.

Fr. Michael Kerper"

In a separate blurb in the bulletin, Father Kerper
requested volunteers for altar servers, sacristans,
etc. Altar servers must learn the Latin responses.
Any boys or young men who are interested in learning
to serve at the Latin Masses, should contact Father
Kerper at or 436.4555.

Traditional Mass - Nashua, NH 9-16-07

Chris Muldoon lets us know the following great news!

From this week's bulletin at St. Patrick's in Nashua:

In response to several requests, the extraordinary form of Mass according to the Missal of Blessed John XXIII will be celebrated here at St. Patrick on Sunday, September 16, at 4:00 P.M. Bishop McCormack is aware both of the requests and the celebration that has been scheduled in response to those requests. The frequency and times of future celebrations are matters that will be worked out in the weeks ahead as we continue to implement the Holy Father's motu proprio under Bishop McCormack's guidance. Celebrations of Mass under this form will NOT conflict with the regular Mass schedule that will continue as always.

Anyone interested in learning more about the Mass as it was celebrated before the Second Vatican Council is invited to attend a session to be held on Tuesday, September 11, at 7:00 P.M. in the parish center.

St. Patrick's is located at 29 Spring St., Nashua. The office phone is 882-2262. The church is wheelchair-accessible.